Sunday, October 25, 2009

350 Around The Globe

Sydney, Australia
Mexico City, Mexico
Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Cairo, Egypt
Almaty, Kazakhstan
For more inspiring pictures see!

Friday, October 23, 2009


Thank you to everyone who rode today! The front circle was filled with bikes! Get excited for the next bike to school which will happen as soon as the snow melts in the spring!

Also, 350 is tomorrow, October 24, 2009! Celebrate by turning off the lights in your house, committing to composting and recycling, eating organic food, or attending one of the 4000 events happening world world wide (there is one at crane's beach!).

Here are a few examples of events happening tomorrow:

In Cambodia, citizens from across the country will gather at the famous Angkor Wat to take a giant 350 action photo.

In Hungary, hundreds of bathers will jump into the public baths in Budapest and do a 350 synchronized swimming performance.

In Nepal, over a thousand young people and monks will march to the Swayambhunath world heritage site temple where they will form a large 350 with traditional lanterns.

In the United States, 350 people will dance to Michael Jackson's Thriller in Seattle -- because if we don't stop global warming, we might as well be undead.

In Panama, indigenous youth will lead a moonlight vigil in Kuna Yala, their vulnerable low-lying islands off the coast of Panama, forming a 350 at sunrise.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Props Mtv

MTV SWITCH, an mtv website, is dedicated to new ideas(big OR small) to help the environment! They have different actions, videos, news and a carbon calculator. There is an open blog with everything from celebrity green gossip to green arts and crafts! Definitely check it out!

The Green Song

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

100 Ways to Save the Environment

If you are ever at a loss for everyday things that you can do to help the environment, check out this website that lists "100 Ways to Save the Environment"!

Here are some ideas to get you started:
10. Unplug seldom used appliances.
13. Reverse your indoor ceiling fans for summer and winter operations.
27. Connect your outdoor lights to a timer.
59. Recycle printer cartridges.
88. Avoid products with several layers of packaging when only one is sufficient. About 33 of what we throw away is packaging.
97. Buy rechargeable batteries for devices used frequently.

Monday, October 19, 2009

"Making Waves"

Maldives has committed to cutting CO2 emissions and is encouraging other countries to do the same!

The October 18, 2009 Boston Globe reports, "Maldives's minister of fisheries and agriculture, Ibrahim Didi, signed a declaration yesterday calling on countries to cut down carbon dioxide emissions. The president and ministers held an UNDERWATER cabinet meeting to draw attention to rising sea levels that threaten the Indian Ocean archipelago's existance."

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Green" Tea

So today I noticed that my normal tea bag was missing the string and tag. Although I was first irritated by the idea, I went to the box for some sort of reasoning. Celestial Seasonings teas bags "is the result of [their] commitment to doing what's best for the environment." The natural fiber tea bags without the typical strings, tags, staples, or individual wrappers lets the company save more than 3.5 million pounds of waste.

So the next time you want to have a nice warm cup of tea on a cold fall day, look for Celestial Seasonings. You will be getting a delicious refreshment and be helping the environment.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

tck, tck, tck.

The clock is counting down on the time we have remaining in which we will be able to go on being wasteful and unaware of our effect on the climate. That's what the tck tck tck campaign is all about: "tck tck tck is a campaign created for everybody who wants to make a difference and influence the decision-makers to deal with climate change, and to commit to taking real action at Copenhagen 09." In Copenhagen this December there is going to be an international climate conference aimed at making new energy goals before the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012, and tck tck tck wants to make this conference a groundbeaking one. They have made a music video featuring a whole bunch of starts, including Fergie and Serena Ryder (one of my personal favorites!) The song is available as a free download (check out the whole website while you're there, its really cool), and when you download you are signing one of the biggest online petitions in history. Here's the video.