Monday, July 20, 2009

Meatless Mondays

Ghent, Belgium is now the first city in the world to encourage vegetarianism... at least one day a week, that is. Their Meat-free Thursday program requires local restaurants to offer at least one vegetarian option every Thursday, and schools and hospitals are on the way to adopting the practice as well. I think its an idea that should and will eventually catch on in the US- already 29 public health schools in the country are orchestrating meatless Mondays, and many other communities and groups are making green action plans that include initiatives for local and organic vegetables.
The evils of a meat-dependent world are endless: livestock farming produces more greenhouse gas emissions than all of the world's transportation combined (18% of the total vs. 14%); each kilogram of beef produced on Earth required 714 bathtubs of water; people who eat meat regularly are more likely to contract a variety of diseases, not the least of which is obesity; and I haven't even talked about cruelty to animals.
I'd like to suggest the implementation of Meat-free Mondays at Pingree- it will cut food costs for the school, make us a just a little more planet-conscious, and make everyone a bit healthier. Do you agree?


  1. yayyy, i vote yes on meatless mondays at pingree

  2. I am all for it. Beef production is really bad for greenhouse gases. Livestock excrement ferments into methane, which is a worse greenhouse gas then CO2. This does not even talk about the amount of energy needed to produce the beef. FInally it will be healthier for us.
