Sunday, June 28, 2009

Every Step Counts

Tropical deforestation accounts for 1/5th of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Deforestation in the Amazon is fueled by the growing number of cattle ranches. Nike, Timberland, Adidas, Reebok and other brands have cattle ranches to produce leather for their sneakers. When you support the brands, you are supporting deforestation and the rising amount of greenhouse gas.

For more information, and to speak out against deforestation of the rain forests, click here


  1. I never knew that cattle ranches had anything too do with deforestation or global warming. It's scary to think about what our world would be like with the rainforests

  2. I think awareness has a lot to do with this subject. These brands are popular, and many of the people that support them probably have no idea that they are also supporting deforestation and the rising amount of greenhouse gas. I think it should be talked about and advertised more, so that people understand what they are supporting and the effects it has on our planet.
