Saturday, July 11, 2009

"Transition" for our future

I recently read about a sweet new environmental movement that has just taken off in the US after successful cultivation (no pun intended) in the UK. It is called the Transition movement, and it was started by a guy named Tom Hopkins, author of The Transition Handbook. The idea behind Transition is a break from the all too common scare and guilt tactics used by environmental warriors, instead emphasizing a climate (no pun intended) of optimism and togetherness. Community by community, Transition is trying to switch our oil dependence to a sustainable and resilient (a key word in Transition culture) alternative. Tom describes it best here:

Check out the Transition
website to learn more about Tom, Totnes (the first and largest transition town), and the movement in general.

1 comment:

  1. Another great source of information that really accents a local approach and provides tons of great examples is Bill McKibben's DEEP ECONOMY The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future. You'd be amazed how something as simple as a radio station has been taken from local control and put out of a national broadcasting hub in Texas. It will really get you thinking!
