Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Daily Green

If you are looking for some current "green" news or a new organic recipe, this website has everything you need to stay updated within the world of sustainability. It has some great articles about the oil spill and some cool facts about green homes. Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I'm the first person! I think... anyway I wanted to say that i thought it was a little weird that Colin didn't immediately think of a hanker- chief in chapter 2 at the beginning when he urgently had to blow his nose.I know I did, but it's especially weird since the name 'paper towel' means just a paper version (a less ecological version) of a towel, which could also be a hanker- chief. I also thought it was strange that people claimed it was more of an impact to wash a towel that use paper and throw it out, but he may have meant diapers when he said that. Anyway, catchya later.
    ~Jackie V :)
