Sunday, June 20, 2010

Go Green & Save Green

Who says doing good doesn't pay? Here's the link to a story someone found online. It's about a woman living in New York who decides to live eco-friendly. By slightly tweaking her lifestyle, she is able to save over $10,000 a year. It has some great ideas that anyone can work into his or her life--so check it out!

1 comment:

  1. As much as I am in favor of getting people to live more sustainable lives, the title of this article is a bit misleading and I'm very wary of making false claims when it comes to trying to encourage people to be more sustainable in their lifestyle choices.

    The woman in the article does not save $10,000 of her own money--as in, her bank account doesn't lose $10,000 less that year. Rather, she save some actual money directly here and there but tallys up what is referred to as "actual costs" or "environmental costs" in many of her actions. For example, she tore up her paved driveway and put in a gravel driveway and reported saving $4000 from it because the run-off water was now able to filter naturally through the ground and find its way back into the water table that way. She didn't save any money directly in doing this (in fact, I'm willing to bet that she spent money having the driveway replaced).

    I like all of the choices and changes that she made, but I don't like false advertising.
