Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Beware of the BAG!!!

Here is a cool video about plastic bags. It is humorous, but the topic is no joke! Next time you go to the grocery store try to remember your reusable bags. By not using plastic bags, we can reduce so much waste with so little effort! The video is only 4 minutes and it has a lot of good information, so CHECK IT OUT!!


  1. As funny as the video was it was also no joke like you had stated. Reusable bags are cheap and so easy. Plastic bags are a waste and like it showed in the video they are ending up in our oceans and harming our planet. The ocean shouldn't be a big garbage can. It's home to thousands of animals and should be treated as we would treat our homes. And most people aren't purposefully throwing plastic bags into the ocean but the are still getting there nonetheless. Reusable bags will stop the harm and help save our planet. My mom has a bunch of the reusable bags and she loves them. She always brings them and they are easier to carry too! So if everyone stopped using plastic bags grocery stores wouldn't have to buy them anymore and they wouldn't have to be made. It would be saving the planet little by little for the cost of only 5(ish) dollars a bag.

  2. My family uses reusable bags too and we kept the plastic bags that we used to get from the grocery store and use them as trash bags.

  3. My family does the same thing. It just makes more sense to use reusable bags. The handles don't break on you and they don't end up as some animals dinner later on. The ocean isn't just ours. We share it with other beings, so we should respect there home and not ruin it by using bags we won't ever use again. I know most people don't purposefully throw the plastic bags into the ocean but like you said they end up there anyway.

  4. This video was very funny, but in all seriousness we need to be aware of where all this trash goes. No one realizes that one plastic bag they carelessly throw away could starve an animal or become one of the billion that already float around in the Pacific Ocean. I think people need to find a more environmentally friendly way to carry groceries or anything else that plastic bags are used for, we just need to be more aware that one little action could have such an impact on the Earth.

  5. Not only is the bag dangerous for the Earth, but also for the animals. It creates trash and pollutes the world and puts living things on our Earth in danger. People should reuse the bags rather than throwing them away or littering.

  6. My family always reuses and recycles these plastic bags, but I never really though about what actually happens to the stray plastic bag. I had heard about the garbage patch but never really realized how big it actually was. the video was somewhat humorous but very informative and very jaw-dropping. I am glad people take the time to inform the general public while actually keeping their attention.

  7. I thought this video was an interesting way of bringing awareness to people about how much plastic is hurting our environment

  8. This video was funny, but it still was very informative, and it really gets you thinking about what happens to many of our plastic bags and the negative effect it has on the enviornment. So, i think it was a pretty smart way to get the point across. It kept you interested, but its still gets you thinking as much as a less entertaining documentary. I think what this video is getting at is very important and that people really should put more effort into using reusable bags instead of plastic ones. I know I will from now on!

  9. Watching this "mockumentary" not only gave me a chuckle but also a topic to deeply think about. I had never been fully aware/educated of the grave effects of stray plastic bags. I mean, yeah, I did know using plastic bags was harmful for the environment; yet, I never realiazed HOW MUCH harmful it was until I saw the movie. As a result, upon watching this mockumentary I felt guilty for not taking a stand in doing more to help the environment. Sure, my family also reuses and recycles these plastic bags, yet we only have a few reuseable bags. This video has invoked me to encourage my family to buy more reuseable bag and eliminate the use of plastic bags because every little action can add up to a better earth.

  10. Haha! This is funny but so true! i bet far more plastic bags then we may think find there way to the ocean just like that bag did in the video. My family does own some reusable grocery bags but I'm not sure they always get used.. The fact that there are simple alternative methods of living, like switching from plastic to reusable bags, makes me wonder why people don't always take advantage the easy ways to make a positive impact (myself included.) From now on I'm going to make more of an effort to remind everyone in my family to use reusable bags!!!

  11. I think using reusable bags is a great idea becuase its safer for the envirmonet and its not a hard change.

  12. After watching this video I convinced my parents to start using reusable bags. By doing so I noticed a large decrease in the amount of plastic bags in our house.

  13. This entertaining but serious movie still amazes me how daily items like plastic bags and straws can be harmful to our environment forever. Although plastic bags will “encounter many enemies”, there still is a Garbage Patch that is two times the size of Texas. Many of the contents in the Garbage Patch are items we use for less than five minutes! As people living on the same earth, we should work together to protect and to respect it. I feel guilty and a little motivated after watching this movie, and I hope other people will also feel the same.
    I am guilty because I am part of the community that has made a huge dumpster which is two times the size of Texas in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, but I also feel motivated because I know there is a solution to solve this dilemma. If everyone used reusable grocery bags and there was no packaging on food, the world will be a better place for everyone. I believe this is the first step to resolve this crisis and habits of myself and others.

  14. Brandon F said..

    There is a solution to every problem, but this one requires the whole world to come together and just remember to recycle the plastic bags. Hopefully, this will help reduce the size of the garbage pile in the middle of the Pacific ocean and we can all have a cleaner and greener Earth.
