Monday, August 9, 2010

Going Green While Going Back to School

I know it's only August 9th, but as you begin to think about school supplies shopping and getting ready for the new year, think green! Here are some products that are going to help you save the planet and start the year off right! Check them out!


  1. i think that this aspect of the school year is really important. i wish that i had seen this post before i had gone school shopping, because when i was at staples i couldn't believe all of the paper and the plastic that was used to make and package all of the school supplies! it was un-believeable! whenever i think about how many resources were used to make all of the supplies, it makes me sad to think that our race even needs our plastic pens to be packaged in plastic just to make it more convenient while we waste everything the world has to offer us.

  2. I had already done my school shopping from staples as well. There was a lot of trash from the packaging of all the materials so I recycled it. However still I still felt guilty about the materials that were not recyclable, and all the other trash I produce. I looked for different ways to use some items I had been throwing away and I came across this website that might have even more eco-friendly school materials than the one listed.

  3. Not having read this until now, I have already done my school shopping at places like staples. When I was putting all my binders together, I realized just how much trash I created and did not need to. For example, there was the plastic wrapping from the binder, divider tabs, and lined paper. Plus the paper in the package used to advertise the product, when I honestly would've just bought the cheapest one no matter the decorative flyer inside. Seeing all this made me sad, and made me rethink where and how I got my school supplies. If I had at least bought things that were less harmful to the enviornment, like the recycled paper, maybe it wouldn't have been so bad.

  4. What I do is I keep all of my binders clean each year so i can reuse them without having that guilty feeling of all the trash being produced. However, I sometimes have to go shopping for new binders when I break them. If i break my binder, i am more upset about the fact that I have to buy a new binder and produce all of that trash.

  5. I also saw this post after I went school shopping as well. I feel bad about all the paper and plastic I am wasting just opening up packages of pens, highlighters, and pencils. As I was getting my supplies together the night before school I recycled paper from inside my binders and tabs stuck on the sides and also the cardboard that is attached to the outside of my notebooks. Even though this stuff was all recycled it made me feel bad that all of that paper went to waste, when nobody ever really uses other than advertising purposes, and truthfully I have no idea what company i get my binders from even though they waste all that paper trying to tell me!
