Saturday, September 4, 2010

Global Air Traffic

The 48-second video below shows 24 hours of global air traffic during the northern hemisphere's summer. The US and Europe (as well as India and China) are teeming with activity! For a detailed analysis, visit this website.

Video from:

Thanks to Mr. Olson for contributing this video!


  1. It was interesting to see which places had more activity (US, Europe), as opposed to those who had less.

  2. I honestly did not find this video too shocking, with the amount of air traffic, pollution is bound to happen. What does shock me is why we haven't figured out a way to reduce the number of planes.

  3. I also think that this video is not very surprising. What surprises me is that everyone knows that there is so much air pollution, however no one has done anything to reduce the amount of pollution or stop it completely.

  4. The only places that stood out in this video were the US, Europe, and China. What actually surprised me was that the only places with significant readings were the US, Europe, and China.

  5. It is depressing to see how much pollution we cause just by flying. Many Americans and people around the world don't even realize the damage being done, and many don't even care. It was not surprising to see Europe, the U.S, and China teeming with activity. I did find it shocking however to see barely anything showed up for Africa.

  6. It was amazing how many planes were flying in the US, Europe, and China. During the night time, the number of planes in the US seemed to lower but quite a bit, but Europe remained constantly littered with flights. It is surprising that in 2010 we have not found a more "green"/efficient way to travel long distances, such as, previously said, we have not found a way to reduce the number of planes. This post intruiged me mostly because my mom is a travel agent and deals with flights all the time.

  7. I did not really find surprising that a lot of planes came out of the US, Europe, and China because those are the most technologically advanced countries. But I also think that since they are the most technologically advanced countries the pressure is on them to think of a solution to these problems.

  8. There were so many planes that were flying from the united states to europe, and also from the united stated to china. There wasn't that many planes flying in africa and there was a few in south america. There were too many flights for being only 24 hours. I think that we need to find a differnt way of travel, with planes causing so much pollution.

  9. I also think we need to find a different way of travel. There were to many flights to count in 24 hours, imagine what it would look like for one weeks worth of flights. I think people should start to sacrifice luxury for the sake of the planet. If you need to go somewhere taking a boat is slower, but also pollutes the enviroment less and can in most cases carry more people than a plane.

  10. This is cool, it's amazing how many planes fly each day. The density of traffic in North America and Europe compared to the rest of the world is amazing too.

  11. After watching this video, I can say I was truly amazed and disgusted to see how many plane flights circulate around the world in just one day. On top of that, it's even more astounding to fathom the amount of waste and damage those thousands of plane flights do to the environment in just one day. However, I was not surprised to see that majority of the plane flights came from the US, Europe and China and the minority came from South America, and Africa. No matter how many times we say "we should make a difference", we actually need to pair action with our words and take an initiative to save our planet by possibly reducing the frequency in which we use planes to travel.

  12. Although I can't say that I was surprised by the fact that so many planes were flying in and out of the U.S., China, and continent of Europe, I will say that being able to view an accurate display of the significant amount of air traffic truly should and does serve as a wakeup call to us all. It amazes me how, despite all the technology and scientific information there is out there, that countries around the world, particularly the U.S., are not taking the necessary steps to preserve and save our planet. Among these steps needed to be taken includes reducing air traffic significantly. Until we can find a method of flying that is greener and less harmful to the environment, I feel it is very crucial, for now, to reduce air traffic in the U.S., China, and European countries immediately.

  13. This is amazing. I never thought about the impact that flying had, or how many planes actually fly each day before watching this. Thanks.

  14. It's unbelievable how many planes fly in and out of the United States, Europe, and China. They seem like the 3 most busiest countries out there. If there were less planes in the US, it would immediatly begin to get very yellow in Eurpoe and China, and vice versa.

  15. I've been watching shows on Discovery and Nat Geo and they show things on some of the only pristine places in the world. This video shows the same places that they are showing on the T.V. shows, some places for example are areas near the amazon river basin and into Russia and islands through out all of the oceans. Just by looking at this video shows that those places are still very little or not even touched by the modern man because a plane can't land in any area near it.

  16. Wow! I can not believe that so many airplanes are commuting at such a high rate. Imagine all the oil, gas, ect.. that is being polluted into the air and then we breath it in everyday?! And we wonder why so many kids have asthma and other problems!
