Saturday, September 12, 2009


As school starts up, PLEASE don't forget about all the green things you've been doing all summer! Keep recycling, especially printer paper, which is going to exponentially increase in the next couple of weeks. Remember to use the washable cups in the Commons when you can, and remember to bring your waterbottles to practices (they are available to everyone, so no excuses!) Finally, watch your peers! If you see someone making a poor environmental decision talk to them about it, and make sure they know what they should change.
Environmental Club is going to start up soon, so stay tuned!


  1. I think our first meeting is going to be tomorrow (Tuesday) so everyone should come!

  2. One of my "green" goals for this year is to bring (and USE) a travel mug for my coffee rather than the paper cups in the kitchen. Unfortunately, I have trouble forgetting the travel mug in my car, where it gets gross. Then I get caught up in morning stuff and don't get around to washing it out to use it, so I end up using the paper cups anyway... while the dirty travel mug sits on my desk. :(

    But I swear I will try to get better about this.

    Mrs. Karch
