Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bottled VS. Tap

As the battle between bottled water and tap water continues, you want to stay as updated as possible. You want to make sure you are making the right decision next time you go for a drink. It is crazy to think that tap water is actually under stricter regulations than bottled water. This means that there is a better chance that you will drink contaminated bottled water while your tap water is cleaner and better for you. Here is a great article telling you all about this, and more.


  1. I had no idea that tap water could actually be better for you than bottled! I'll keep that in mind next time I go to drink water.

  2. This is really interesting. I feel like everyone just assumes that bottled water is cleaner or something. My family already uses tap water in our house, but we often buy plastic water bottles when we're out. Yesterday I bought a metal water bottle. I bet if more people knew about this they would just use tap water.

  3. I feel like society has made us believe that tap water is bad for you, when in reality it is better than bottled water! Although bottled water is used for sports and and outdoor activities it would be very "greeen" if, like haley said we started using more metal reusable water bottles rather than plastic water bottles that we usually will use once and then throw out!

  4. I found this video fascinating as not only is bottled water bad for you as it can have harmful chemicals, but it can also cause damage to the environment if not recycled properly. next time i am thirsty and i have the choice between bottle and tap i think i'm going to deffinetly choose tap
