Saturday, July 17, 2010

Compost This!

One of the major ways to reduce waste in your household is to compost! At my house, my family just started to compost just last month. One of the problems we had was figuring out what was able to be composted and what was not. After doing some research, I discovered this website which helped a lot. If you are interested in starting a compost pile at your house, check it out!


  1. We've been composting at our home for over a year. We do something we call "trash can composting." Basically, we bought a big plastic trash can with a lid and drilled air holes in the lid, the bottom, and around the sides of the can. We use four small bungee cords to attach the lid to the can in an animal proof way (and after a full year without a single break-in I am confident in it's animal proof-ness). We fill it with kitchen scraps (greens) and dry leaves and coffee grounds (browns) and we go by the one green to two browns ration. We layer, which means we dump in a "layer" of kitchen stuff over the course of three or four days, then we collect about twice as much dried leaves from the yard and dump it in on two. Every two or three weeks, we tip the trash can over and roll it on its side to mix the stuff around. Seems to work great. The trash can is black and we've got it in a place where it's in full sun most of the day to help it get and stay hot in the winter. :)

  2. My family has been using a compost ever since i could remember. We have a big black barrel connected to the earth at the top of the hill that my house is on. Underneath the sink next to the trash can we have a plastic tub for the compost. We put anything from fruit cores to soiled vegetables in there. I think using a compost is a great idea for reducing trash.

  3. Composting not only reduces trash, but it is also environmentally better. A couple year ago, I had to write an essay about fertilizer versus compost. I ended up finding out that the pesticides can actually poison animals, our water supply, and even people. I am glad you brought using compost up because it is not only a way to get rid of trash, but is also healthier for plants :)

  4. Our family started composting about 2 months ago and it is great. It gets rid of more trash and helps the soil. Since we recycle so much now I really feel like we are making a deifference.

  5. This is a great way to help the planet. It helps decrease the amount of trash that goes into our landfill and brings nutrients back to the dirt to help the plants. My family is very interested in trying to adopt this into our every day lives.

  6. This method sounds like a good way to lower the amount of trash that goes into our landfills. I have used one before and although it's messy it is reuses the materials and helps create less waste.
