Monday, July 26, 2010

Bottle Boat

Usually when you think about plastic bottles in the ocean, you want to cringe, but yesterday a boat arrived in Sydney made out of over 12,000 plastic bottles! The crew of the boat made their journey across the Pacific to raise awareness about plastic waste in the ocean. The six member crew took the entire journey in 128 days. Check out this article about the adventure!


  1. This a great idea that not only raises awareness but keep 12,000 water bottles out of land fills and the ocean. This was a creative, and serviceable way to recycle and reuse material. Imagine if all seaworthy boats were made like this. If a product like this becomes affordable and open to the public, this invention could reuse and save more than 12,000 water bottles.

  2. Raising awareness about the extreme waste our planet produces and more specifically, our country, is very important. Not only do we, as a population, fill landfills and the ocean with our discarded junk, we scarcely use it for more than 20 minutes. Building a boat out of hundreds of plastic bottles not only reuses every single one of those bottles and keeps them out of landfills, it also teaches our communities that it is possible to live a much more sustainable lifestyle. If our entire population took those small steps to become more enviromentally conscience, it could potentially save our planet.
